Posts Tagged ‘money’

More Money Mantras

May 24, 2011

NOW is all there is.
You’re generating Everything from the neverending NOW.

With each step I take (or each breath I breathe), I am moving closer to the work (or job or career) that I want.

“profit” “wealth” “enrich” “abundance.” One word mantras help you to notice things that are going on around you (and perhaps cause more of them to happen.)

‘I love being rich, I love wealth and abundance’.

In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way
In it’s own perfect time, and for the highest good of all
I intend $1,000,000 to come into my life
and into the lives of all who hold this intention.

“I live a joyful life and dollars flow to me in abundance.” No kidding. Sing it in your head about 10 times at the top of every hour until it starts singing itself.

“I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities, from multiple sources on a continuous basis.”

I prosper wherever I turn.
My income is constantly increasing.
I am abundant in all areas of my life.

Money comes to me quickly and easily.
God is my infinite supply and money comes to me quickly and easily for the highest good of all. I am now earning, saving, and investing over (insert amount) per year.

I am a money making machine.
Money comes to me fast and in large amounts.
I do good things with my money.
I am prosperous in ALL that I do.

Every day in every way I am getting richer and richer.
Every day in every way I am getting better and better.

When ever you receive any money, find even a penny, etc..
Say (even if its not out loud because other people are around)
“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you universe, I am a money magnet”

Every time I handle money, whether it’s to check the balance in my accounts, give or receive cash, write or receive checks, I affirm that I will receive 10x that amount.
“I am so happy and grateful that this $x.xx is but a symbol of the infinite bounty of the Universe. Ten times that amount, $xx.xx (ten times the amount you’re handling), is on its way to me right now, and will manifest immediately in the easiest, fastest, and most harmonious way possible. Thank You, Universe.”
(I realize that I’m not a barrel, I’m a pipe — money should flow through my hands, going out to others so that more can come in.)

War Happens

May 13, 2011

I think I’m really learning to trust my action. I believe the energy within me is divinely inspired, not some evil impulse of the flesh. Infinite Intelligence flows through me. I act out of love, not fear. My motives for working are not, y’know, just for money, but are expressions of this divine energy. As I let go of judgment + expectations + standards, I’m able to trust the intuitive flow from within. The more I meditate and connect with spirit, the more my physical actions are fused with this, at least I’m more conscious of it anyway.

Why does the church plant seeds of doubt (fear of wrong action ‘sin’) and why do they want to control the libido? This energy to produce and reproduce is holy. In fact, the more aligned we become to our inner knowing, the more we can trust ourselves to act on our own accord- without permission. Is it for control and ego that the church tells us DON’T SIN! I don’t know and I don’t care. I only write whatever thoughts flow thru me here now. I am a writer and these are the ideas flowing thru me. ACTION IS HOLY. It is NOT evil to work for money. Money is physical form of spiritual energy. If you have money it is because you put out energy. If you inherited it, it is cuz the Universe is choosing to evolve you. All that cash is potential energy, like a loaded gun. Without financial intelligence or spiritual groundedness, that cash can be dangerous in hands of a fool.

Desire not the money, but rather focus on producing and giving, for THIS is the WAY of LIFE. Circulate the energy. Trust your impulse to act. Get in the flow. Allow yourself to make it, to break it, to whatever, just do something. Move this, move that. Who cares. Don’t worry about specific material manipulations and GPS coordinates and chosen words to particular people. The issue is not HOW to make money. The issue is WHY put out energy. Once you trust your intuitive divinity, you can get up, make this phone call, throw that away, mail this letter, whatever. Some people get so concerned about ‘am I doing the right thing’ that they stop doing anything.

Maybe you want to start a revolution, a war. Do it. The founders of our great nation did this against Britain. Now we have America. People complain about all these wars and say we should pull out. Why do people constantly try to stop military action? It is not cuz they value peace necessarily, but rather it is cuz they see in the soldiers what they deny in themselves- the permission to take action. So busy judging. People who are against war are ultimately, essentially causing stagnation + congestion within themselves where they are stopping themselves from doing something. So they think others should stop ACTING, too. Allow the energy to flow. Embrace the shadow. There is no right or wrong. There is a time for peace, a time for war. If you feel divinely inspired to stop someone else’s action, well, so be it. That’s part of the social evolution, the constant universal rebalancing, no? I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m just exploring an idea. I don’t have to choose a position or stand behind my words.

It is popular to be against war. It is popular to be against polygamy. It is popular to be against big business. But my theory is that all these things are high energy and high level of activity. It is the spirit of death that cause people to want to restrict this energy. (global warming! overpopulation!) One man wants to grow his family, his business, his nation. Another man spends his whole life trying to stop the first man with guilt by saying NO NO NO, monogamy is the only way, be a docile employee and don’t buck the system, and join us in our peace protest. (what you resist, persists) Sit down and shut up is the mantra of anti-action people who live in fear. They want to gather together like-minded people who can all help themselves feel justified in living life less than to its fullest. Just let it be and mind your own business. Trust the Universe is perfect, or choose discontent. I understand the paradox and contradiction cuz the drug war, for example, or chemical-fertilization/pesticide mono-agriculture, is something I want to stop.

Ultimately any action undertaken potentially infringes on someone. Therefore, the way to deal with this is to choose to believe that it is part of the universal evolution. It is constantly balancing out. Maybe you have been chosen to be the balancer, the reaper of karma, to undertake this action (war on drug war or big pharma) to balance things out (ebb and flow). There is a reason I am alive. It is not to be an observer or consumer, but an actor and producer.

more notes from Joe Vitale’s “Attract Money Now” part two

May 11, 2011

p. 100 Money is only one resource, as is love, caring and abundance. It is our own human beliefs that separate the ideas of human kindness and charity from money. Some think that $ and pure altruism cannot exist together. Not only do they exist together- they’re intertwined. The resource of $ is not separate.

p.101 asking…giving…concepts integral part of true and lasting success

changing your thoughts alone will not produce your desired results. You must take inspired action. The awareness that you are connected to a tremendous source of power will guide your actions.

p.102 At first reach out for what you know, and the answer is not there. It is at that point you begin to search and open yourself to other ideas… The answer comes from universal intelligence helping you reach your goals and giving you the answers

p.103 Once you understand that there’s a universal intelligence that can and will respond, you also understand your own responsibility to act on it… act in order to find the answer. Even when you don’t have a clue…keep trying and wait for the spark of intuitive intelligence to appear.

If you keep taking inspired action, you’ll eventually get results. These results will continue to motivate you… persistence will enhance your motivation.

p.104 (dreams/ goals change) In order to make room for new goals, we have to delete or finish old ones… follow the lead of intuition

p.106 people don’t care what you know until they know that you care

p.111 I am willing to release the emotions I’ve attached to money. I am ready to release what I think it says about me.

Nevillizing (visualizing with feeling the end result)… imagine your goal over the next 30 days

p.116 To think is to create. This is how you start changing your life. you must be able to imagine it. Then you’ll attract the resources for it to come into being.

Success isn’t a thing – its an emotion. We feel successful – therefore we are successful.

I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES (say it in mirror everyday)

p.120 Buy things that excite you, without going into debt.

p.125 By setting clear and well defined goals, you can evaluate your progress and take pride in your accomplishments

p.127 Anytime you question which goal or project needs to take precedence, just stop for a few minutes and ask yourself which one has the strongest positive emotional connection… take inspired action

Write down each activity you perform and evaluate it on a weekly basis. Small tasks (stepping stones) are working toward the goal (big target). Doing small tasks each day is important cuz it gives you a sense of control and accomplishment.

p.128 As you track your progress, and see haw many short term goals you’ve accomplished, it makes the long term goals seem that much closer and easier to reach.

p.132 An object in motion stays in motion while an object at rest stays at rest. The same is true for the human mind. If you feel in control and like you’re making progress, then it is easier to keep going. However, if you feel out of control and come to a stop, then it takes even more effort to get going again. click to purchase or free online

notes from Joe Vitale’s ‘Attract Money Now’ part one

May 8, 2011

p.33 lack of $ is root of all evil…puts you in desperate mindset…do things never contemplated…destructive to themselves and/or others

love of $ refers to chasing…competitive mindset that will do anything…to the exclusion of everything else

rich people don’t love $, they love freedom $ provides, $ is just a scorecard…you can’t achieve great monetary success unless you follow your passion. The $ is secondary.

understand that $ is neutral and simply an agreed-upon exchange of value

p.35 change your thoughts to accept each new level of achievement

p.36 release the emotional connection (to old beliefs of feeling undeserving cuz of childhood abuse)

1st step is alter how you think about $. when you realize it is a neutral force for good, and you deserve it, then you can begin the process to attract $ now.

3 key limiting beliefs:
1. I need to more to make more $
2. I might not love doing my art + music if I have to do it for $
3. I need the $

1. I can keep doing what I do and make more $
2. I enjoy my passion for art + music regardless of money. In fact, the more $ I get from art + music, the more art + music I will do.
3. I don’t have to do anything cuz I don’t need the $. All I have to do is be. My action is a labor of love and people pay me to live from my heart. I don’t need the $…I deserve the $. I am not desperate cuz I have everything I need now.

p.41 directing revenue streams rather than hoarding dollars…unless you change your mindset and let go of the beliefs you currently have about $, you’re doomed to struggle, no matter how much $ you have.

Giving without expectation of return from a specific source is the second step to attracting money into your life.

(the more I give, the bigger the opening for money to come back to me- if I only give a little, that only opens the door a little, allowing only a little to come back)

tithe 10% + seed 10% = Give 20%

p.53 you cant just sit there thinking positive thoughts without DOING anything to turn around your finances. You must take immediate inspired action, and come up with a new plan and work it.

p.57 when you have the positive prosperity mindset, then almost anything you decide to pursue will succeed. The whole idea of attracting $ is to enjoy your life.

p.60 its about attracting what you want with intent, detachment, and action. In fact, the more detached you are, the better for attracting results.

Prosperous Purchasing means this: When the product or service is there, and your desire is there, and the money is there, then but…why?…you send a psychological message of self-worth to yourself, and you join the abundant flow of the Universe.

p.62 the positive feelings and emotions that prosperous spending brings are what attracts more positive things into your life.

p55 $ must circulate…if you have the $ to buy something that will enhance your life…and give you joy, you should do it.

p.56 you want to feel good, positive, and excited about your life…prosperous spending brings…

reward yourself for ‘job well done’… doesn’t have to involve large amounts of $- but they should generate large amounts of positive feelings and emotions. (prosperity mindset, not scarcity mindset)

p.66 Asking for help…opens the pathway to receive. You’re telling the universe that you’re ready and open to new opportunities, as well as accepting help to meet your goals. Prior to praying, I wanted to do everything myself, so I wasn’t open to receiving or identifying any possible opportunities. My mind and heart were closed…The idea is to ask for help from a higher source. The let go of your stress and have faith your prayer will be answered. Finally, take inspired action (trust your intuition) on the ideas you receive and the opportunities that come your way. Ask and act.

p69. …through my blog…I receive money, gifts and great opportunities because I’m willing to put myself out there and let people get to know me…allowing people into my life has far outweighed any uncertainty or reservations
open up
constant flow
give-and-take…generous heart

p.70 always remember that each person I encounter may be the catalyst for my next big success

p.71 How do I get the $? You need to understand it has nothing to do with dollars and cents and everything to do with just getting into the flow.

p.73 When you are given a path, you need to get on it and take inspired action right away.

assumption hardens into fact

p.76 if your (unconscious- doesn’t know fact from fiction) mind can scare you out of your wits at a movie, it can also convince you that you will attract $250,000 this year.

p.78 dont have preconceived notions about how the $ will arrive or you will cut off the flow before it even starts flowing. Just be open to receive it and you will attract it.

p.80 …continue asking… Don’t forget to act when the inspiration comes.

p.84 It is your responsibility to act when a source of money is attracted to you.

continue asking- what do I want?

p.86 opportunities pop up all the time and if you adopt an entrepreneurial mindset that allows you to see them, and commit to act on them, you may be shocked at what appears

Donny Deutsch said success is tight where your problem is, right where you complain about something

p87 If you solve problems you encounter daily, then by default, you’ll discover a need you can profit from. When you start to think like an entrepreneur you see opportunities everywhere. And you start to create them.

p.89 to be a millionaire, you must think constantly about multiple streams of income

p.93 keyword searches on Google can give you valuable info on what people are really interested in

p.94 blogs are free and if you develop a following, advertisers will want to pay you to place their ads on your website. This is probably the number one way that bloggers make money on the internet. click to purchase or free online

Saving Money Demonstrates Centeredness

May 7, 2011

Saving $ is my biggest personal revolution since going on a cash basis, and always having $ in my pocket, and believing that $ is beautiful. It is a tool. I have a right to mind my own business and make huge profits. Another aspect of the goodness of $ is that I can allow it to come thru the channels of doing what I love. It will not taint the art or music. $ is the markets way of defining its’ demand. $ will fuel MORE giving thus creating MORE $.

I hereby circulate. I put all my content (art/music/writing) online. I make it available. I promote myself. I drive traffic to buy my products. I focus on the outcome to motivate myself. It is the Universes’ way to show me my calling. Put $100,000 worth of merch/ product online. Not that I need to motivate myself cuz I’m doing what I love. And the outcome is EUROPE. Money likes speed so I take inspired action (trust my intuition). Keep the momentum going that decluttering started.

The whole thing of saving $ is MY personal salvation, financially. I used to always make decisions based on who I was not gonna pay and that included myself. I thought happiness came from spending + consumerism + doing certain things (external/physical-based/dependent). This naturally led to spending more than I earned cuz if I could just get this or that then I’d be happy even if it puts me in debt. I was like every other middle class aspiree (one who aspires)- go to college and get credit cards (hey I’m an adult now!). Now, however, I determine that I’d rather sit back, relax, breathe, accept things as they are, and rest in the happiness of the fact that I am disciplined + respect myself enough to pay myself. Period.

I used to think that I will be happy and content when some future situation materializes such as restitution + bankruptcy paid, dismiss the probation, debts, and lawsuits. But I choose to feel good NOW. My identity is within. It is not external. Anyway, so saving money says I’m good NOW. If I put all my money out to pay everyone else, in hope that someday I will be free to use my earnings as I please…No.

Today is the day of salvation. Today I keep a part of all I earn because it is my right. I have an obligation, furthermore, to build my security for future (besides- it makes me feel good NOW!). The stronger I am, the stronger those around me will be. To not pay myself is to demonstrate to others that I am undisciplined + weak. What little I have will be taken away, but if I put it to work (saving equals capital circulated for interest), I will attract more. The idea is that if I save 10% NOW, I am rich NOW. It is a statement to the Universe that I have more than enough.

Being rich is a state of mind and a discipline…a religion. Being temporarily broke is not scary if you have savings. What an exciting concept that if I save NOW, with the certainty that I will NOT spend it, then I have reached a point of trusting myself. Now others can trust me, and I will attract more $. (Money = Trust) He who has much, more will be given. To spend savings demonstrates a lack mindset. It tells the Universe I don’t have enough now (but at least I’m not borrowing from others). By holding still, standing resolved, one is centered in the knowing that all is provided, and all is had in due time. By holding the savings and not spending it, one expresses a state of being content. To not spend 10% is to say I AM here now and all is good. I have everything I need. Thank you.

Can I Say I AM GOD?

April 18, 2011

I am a manifestation of God who is omnipresent, like a hologram. I am an individualized piece of this Abundant Universe and I contain the whole lavish richness within me. God individualizes himself in/thru me. So, in essence, God is the all-providing Source, and I am God, so I am the Source. I can trust that my intuition is God Himself. I need never doubt myself again. I don’t need permission to be rich cuz I already am rich. All I need to do is be aware of this truth and allow it to express itself thru me, cuz I am ONE with it already. I AM IT. The reality of me is God Himself (cuz He is in me, and I am His child- we are ONE). Can I say I AM GOD? We are all Gods. I don’t have to defend that statement do I? Isn’t that the premise of New Age? Regardless, I proclaim it. The power is in my hands now. I am rich cuz I know this. Money doesn’t make me rich. Being rich makes me money!

Focus on Giving, To Receive

April 6, 2011

Focus on Giving (Love, Service, Attention) to thereby receive then thereafter. The action becomes the lifestyle- doing it cuz ‘it is better to give than receive’ but giving with the verb state of being modus operandi. Giving cuz you love what that feels like, essentially. It feels good to give. Give your love, your passion, your bliss- then you are living your love, your passion, your bliss. To live is to act in your state of being. In natural alignment with your personal energy vibrations. ‘Give and it shall be given unto you.’ You can only control the giving OUT. Receiving requires allowing and asking and trust that the universe will reciprocate in some form at some time. The key is tap energy from within let it flow out and be in that momentum of unity with self and clarity of purpose. You will receive if you give. That is the law of energy. Create a void by releasing. Receive an infusion from others (and from meditation) but in the physical/ Malkuth stage, the mundane reality of form. That’s why we ‘seek first the kingdom’ cuz the transendental will lightning bolt down (as above so below) into the physical- ‘and all these things shall be added unto you.’ ‘Believe and ye shall receive.’ The belief in the reception creates the willingness to give- cuz ‘faith without works is dead.’ People become stagnant when focused on the receiving. They clutter and get unmotivated. There is congestion of energy cuz lack of outflow. Feng Shui is declutter. Create a vacuum by giving and you will get- whether you believe it or not or intend to or not. Gotta outflow so the water can rise to sea level again. Don’t be afraid to give (exhale). Don’t be afraid to receive (inhale). The level of reception is based on recipients expectation from imagination. Visualize to materialize- infuse with desire/emotion and ask/allow. The mind is the kingdom of god. Trust yourself. Trust your intuition. Act when led from within. Listen for signs of places to give what you are, and just be. Interact with attention and intention. I’m a musician, the more I sing, the more my needs are met, and my needs are simply the resources to facilitate my purpose which is giving love + attention. Do something you would do for no money and if you had to do something, what would it be? What do you do already? What do yo think about? Give that. Share it. Take that skill or hobby to the market, but not out of fear or desperation. Let go of the bills, let everything fall apart. Just focus on giving. Give. Give. Give. soon yo will have more than enough cuz you won’t need it cuz you’re doing what you love already anyway and you are happy already anyway. So money just makes it easier to serve more people. The purpose of money is to finance the giving operation. Profit is recirculated back into the economy as that money is spent on goods and services. But businesses create the goods and services. Therefore, you focus on giving (business) to receive (goods + services). But business and work and job have bad connotations. I’m speaking as an entrepreneur who sees money as not in form of paycheck which is late and pre-taxed and requires banking. CASH is KING.

Cash speeds up the operations of giving. Record more albums, buy a tour bus, do 200 shows this year. I will eat. I will have shelter, clothes, people, I will have days to meditate, study, and exercise, etc. This is my focus on giving. Sing. Get on stage 4x/week and everything else will fall into place or at least it will be inconsequential cuz I don’t need to get all my ducks in a row. I just need to be on stage 4x/week, or whatever. If that is all I do the rest of my life, I am successful. I am rich. I am rich from within cuz the giving is the act of being rich. That’s how the rich are rich. Change creates money. Action of paying attention to someone else, or at least their business, then you will receive, a reaction. Law of physics. It is OK to receive in whatever form (money, food, shelter, etc.) cuz manifested energy may come back in an avenue or channel you least expect. Therefore being conscious, aware, and in the now, helps one see the signals when opportunity comes (or is manifest from within). Opportunity to receive comes in many forms. It may be direct cash after giving time of service/ labor. It may be a furnace from the city instead of cash to buy one. It may be food stamps or welfare. Don’t judge the channel. You get what you ask for (if you believe) and the more you give, the more you can ask for (if you feel you deserve it). It ain’t about how much you receive either, cuz the fruits of the spirit (peace + joy) come from within, the same place giving comes from. The amount of my reception is not the goal. Advertisers, however, would have you believe otherwise, treating us as mere consumers who can only buy happiness thru their products and services. (remember- happiness comes from giving, not receiving) This is why the root of evil is the love of money cuz the focus is on receiving instead of giving. It is trusting in the representation of value instead of the source of value, which is love, your heartbeat, your hands, your attentive service. Trust in the service, the giving as the source of the cycle- what goes around, comes around. So, don’t trust in money or that which theives can steal or moths or rot. Don’t trust in the receiving part of the cycle as the source of supply. Be ye not deceived. The source of supply starts at giving work then you get paid, y’know? The cycle starts when you give and don’t forget, if you love what you do chances are you’ll give more and being rich is not working harder, it is working heart-er. You’ll never want to retire, every day is the weekend. Today is the day of salvation.

And logically, if you’re focused on what you’re gonna get, you’ll forget what you’re giving and heart isn’t really in it if you just put minimal in and pull maximum out. Figure out a way to enjoy putting more in. File bankruptcy and move forward. Anything. But don’t just sit there dejected cuz of the economic conditions out there. It all starts from within here. Know you are Divine Unity with the Universe. It is a benevolent world that will respond to love. There is plenty for everyone. Ask + ye shall receive (asking is vocalizing which is giving sound waves). Words are action. Talk all day and eventually somebody will pay you even if just to shut you up after an hour. People listen. Share your heart. Give and ye shall receive. Give. Give. Give. Be a clown, whatever, but get out there and share it with people. Wash windows, build skyscrapers, deliver pizza, anything. Give and it shall be given unto you. Sing songs, write, do visual art, but you gotta share it before you can receive. Too many people wait to receive before thy give. Waiting to receive permission maybe , or usually waiting to receive money (even under the guise of capital) before they will work. Trust that you will get paid. One, because you trust the universe, and karma. Two, because you ask, right? Can I have money? Yes. I believe I can. Therefore, I will ask. ‘It shall be unto you according to your faith.’ If you believe you can receive then you will do what is to be done and GIVE, consciously aware of the repercussions that people will pay for your time. So give your love to people who will receive it and you in turn will receive what others have to give. Allow it. Don’t control with narrow expectations of manifestation of reception. Be grateful for everything and you will see that all our needs are met, and that we are blessed. I am receiving now. I am aware. The more I sing and write and teach, the more I will receive.